The Future is Now
What does a 21st-century healthcare provider look and act like? You may not spend a lot of
time pondering that question, but we certainly do. The 350,000 residents served by all or any
part of Kadlec Health System should expect nothing less of us.
Our trustees, leadership team, physicians, nurses and staff have a strong commitment to –
and positive vision for – healthcare in the Mid-Columbia region. We are ahead of the curve in
many ways already and fully intend to keep moving forward.
Kadlec is assembling the precise mix of services, skilled people, advanced technology and
modern facilities needed here. We have a laser-like focus on improving patient safety, quality
of care, and lowering the cost. Federal healthcare reform, with accompanying decreases in
Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements will mean we must provide more and better services
with less money.
Fortunately, Kadlec is well positioned to do that. A good example, detailed in this report, is
our new electronic health record. With Epic Systems software, we built a seamless, integrated
way to track each patient’s care. That greatly increases accurate information flow, speeds
appropriate treatment, avoids costly duplication of effort and reduces the possibility of
medical errors.
As a not-for-profit community healthcare organization, our sole mission is to provide
outstanding care to everyone we serve. It’s not only about saving lives, but creating healthier
That’s why we support many agencies such as Grace Clinic, The Children’s Developmental
Center and UnitedWay, March of Dimes, Safe Kids Coalition and several others.
It’s also why we provide more than $30 million in charity care each year for patients who can’t
afford it. It is what we do as a community organization dedicated to providing the highest
level of care possible.
Susan Kreid
Rand J. Wortman, FACHE
Chair, Board of Directors
President & Chief Executive Officer
Kadlec Health System
Kadlec Health System
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